If you haven’t been following the chaos in Wisconsin from the past few weeks, check out this article from the Washington Post detailing what the Senate GOP pulled there this past Wednesday to get collective bargaining rights for unions stripped.
There is also the fiasco happening in Michigan with Governor Snyder attempting to take away the meanings of elections. He is trying to get a bill pushed through that would allow the Governor to decide if a community is in a financial crisis and then appoint a person or corporation to come in and take over. Not only that, but this financial manager would have the ability to void any contract the town has agreed to AND would give this “manager” the ability to essentially dismiss any elected officials. Check out this video from the Rachel Maddow show to get the full story. I’m glad to see elections still mean something in Michigan.
What occurred in Wisconsin Wednesday night will have serious repercussions, not only in Wisconsin, but across the entire Midwest.